产后坐月小配套 (1)
此配套有5包料理汤包 -建議在產後10天內飲用
- 生化汤
- 参祈汤
- 补脑汤
- 田七汤
- 调经汤
*生化汤 -用清水2碗半煮剩8分水,放温即可饮用
功效 :活血散菸、有止痛功效、协助子宫收缩恢复,促使恶露更快更彻底的排出,利尿排毒
Confinement Smart Package 1
This Package have 5 type of herbal soups,Recommended to drink in 10 days after giving birth.
- Sheng Hua Soup
- Shen Qi Soup
- Bu Nao Soup
- Tian Qi Soup
- Tiao Jing Soup
Benefits :To clear lochia, circulates blood and removes clotting.Tonifies qi and blood. Dispels wind and coldness.
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