Woodward Gripe Water contains oil of Dill herb and Sodium Bicarbonate and brings rapid relief of wind and gripe. Dill Seed Oil warms and relaxes the tummy, breaking down trapped air bubbles. Sodium Bicarbonate neutralises acid in the baby’s tummy. Feeding your baby one teaspoon of alcohol-free Woodward’s Gripe Water everyday can help prevent those stressful wind attacks before they happen. The results are usually a resounding and satisfying burp. Woodward’s Gripe Water does not contain alcohol or colouring and is certified halal
宝宝水(GripeWater/肥仔水)里的活性有机成分为茴香,生姜和小苏打。这三种成分都对缓解肠胃涨气和 疼痛有明显的效果。茴香和生姜还能缓解宝宝长牙时的不适。
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